PRECISA DE MEIO DE TRANSPORTE é uma empresa de táxi profissional e confiável de e para aeroportos e um carro de transporte com motorista particular de 1 a 90 pessoas,
serviço disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, a preços claros e competitivos.
Serviço, Excelência e pontualidade são as marcas registradas da
Nossos veículos cuidadosamente equipados oferecem conforto, segurança e modernidade ao longo de todas as suas viagens, permitindo apreender suas viagens nas melhores condições.
Disponíveis e sintonizados, nossos motoristas terão prazer em responder às suas diferentes expectativas.
Tudo foi feito para oferecer um serviço personalizado e de qualidade.
– Nossa Frota –
Também servimos os seguintes aeroportos
Argélia |
Serra Leoa |
Mali |
Gabão |
Angola |
Somália |
Marrocos |
Gâmbia |
Benigno |
África do Sul |
Mauritânia |
Gana |
Botsuana |
Sudão |
Moçambique |
Boné verde |
Burkina Faso |
Nigéria |
Namíbia |
Guiné bissau |
Burundi |
Tanzânia |
Níger |
Guiné |
Camarões |
Sudão do Sul |
Uganda |
Costa do Marfim |
Comores |
República Democrática do Congo |
República Centro-Africana |
Quênia |
Congo |
Ir |
Ruanda |
Lesoto |
Djibuti |
Tunísia |
São Tomé e Príncipe |
Libéria |
Egito |
Zâmbia |
Suazilândia |
Líbia |
Guiné Equatorial |
Zimbábue |
Senegal |
Ilhas Maurícias |
Eritreia |
Chade |
Seychelles |
Malawi |
Etiópia |
Madagáscar |
Antígua e Barbuda |
Haiti |
Argentina |
Honduras |
Bahamas |
Jamaica |
Barbados |
México |
Belize |
Nicarágua |
Bolívia |
Panamá |
Brasil |
Paraguai |
Canadá |
Peru |
Chile |
República Dominicana |
Colômbia |
Salvador |
Costa Rica |
Santa Lúcia |
Cuba |
São Cristóvão e Nevis |
Dominica |
São Vicente e Granadinas |
Equador |
Suriname |
Estados Unidos |
Trindade e Tobago |
Grenade |
Uruguai |
Guatemala |
Venezuela |
Guiana |
Afghanistan |
Malaysia |
Armenia |
Maldives |
Azerbaijan |
Mongolia |
Bahrain |
Nepal |
Bangladesh |
North Korea |
Bhutan |
Oman |
Brunei |
Pakistan |
Burma |
Palestine |
Cambodia |
Philippines |
China |
Qatar |
Georgia |
Saudi Arabia |
India |
Singapore |
Indonesia |
South Korea |
Iran |
Syria |
Iraq |
Taiwan |
Israel |
Tajikistan |
Japan |
Thailand |
Jordan |
Turkey |
Kazakhstan |
Turkmenistan |
Kuwait |
United Arab Emirates |
Kyrgyzstan |
Uzbekistan |
Laos |
Vietnam |
Lebanon |
Yemen |
Afghanistan |
Malaysia |
Armenia |
Maldives |
Azerbaijan |
Mongolia |
Bahrain |
Nepal |
Bangladesh |
North Korea |
Bhutan |
Oman |
Brunei |
Pakistan |
Burma |
Palestine |
Cambodia |
Philippines |
China |
Qatar |
Georgia |
Saudi Arabia |
India |
Singapore |
Indonesia |
South Korea |
Iran |
Syria |
Iraq |
Taiwan |
Israel |
Tajikistan |
Japan |
Thailand |
Jordan |
Turkey |
Kazakhstan |
Turkmenistan |
Kuwait |
United Arab Emirates |
Kyrgyzstan |
Uzbekistan |
Laos |
Vietnam |
Lebanon |
Yemen |
Austrália |
Papua Nova Guiné |
Fiji |
Salomão |
Kiribati |
Samoa |
Marshall |
Timor Leste |
Micronésia |
Tonga |
Nauru |
Tuvalu |
Nova Zelândia |
Vanuatu |
Palau |
– Talk to us –
Please read what our client thinks of us
Very disappointed.
Very disappointed.
My flight was delayed and furthermore my luggage was lost.
It took time more 1 hour than I expected time.
I contacted the driver, firstly he promised to come back again at his designated time. But he finally didn’t appear due to going to another client.
I waited for a while and finally had to use another transportation.
I complained for that situation and requested refunding (40 euros).
But finally it was rejected. They recommended the refunding from flight company .
I don’t want use your service any more.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Sir, we understand your frustration. But it would be more honest to miss the company that lost your bags and not us. Our driver was there and waited for you for 1 hour. You had him on the phone asking him to come back when your loss report was over and he told you that it was impossible because he had another client after you. It is normal for our driver to be paid because he was there and has parking and travel expenses. This is not the first time you book at home and everything has gone well. So as in the many email exchanges we advise you to claim from the company that lost your bags. Sincerely, team
Good service
Good service , friendly and helpful drivers, clean cars. I was very pleased.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
The taxi came a little bit late
The taxi came a little bit late, but the driver called me up to inform us of the delay.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
Only good experience
Only good experience. Never had problems.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
A good choice
A good choice. The driver come in time and give a nice service.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.