PRECISA DE MEIO DE TRANSPORTE é uma empresa de táxi profissional e confiável de e para aeroportos e um carro de transporte com motorista particular de 1 a 90 pessoas,
serviço disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, a preços claros e competitivos.
Serviço, Excelência e pontualidade são as marcas registradas da
Nossos veículos cuidadosamente equipados oferecem conforto, segurança e modernidade ao longo de todas as suas viagens, permitindo apreender suas viagens nas melhores condições.
Disponíveis e sintonizados, nossos motoristas terão prazer em responder às suas diferentes expectativas.
Tudo foi feito para oferecer um serviço personalizado e de qualidade.
– Nossa Frota –
Também servimos os seguintes aeroportos
Argélia |
Serra Leoa |
Mali |
Gabão |
Angola |
Somália |
Marrocos |
Gâmbia |
Benigno |
África do Sul |
Mauritânia |
Gana |
Botsuana |
Sudão |
Moçambique |
Boné verde |
Burkina Faso |
Nigéria |
Namíbia |
Guiné bissau |
Burundi |
Tanzânia |
Níger |
Guiné |
Camarões |
Sudão do Sul |
Uganda |
Costa do Marfim |
Comores |
República Democrática do Congo |
República Centro-Africana |
Quênia |
Congo |
Ir |
Ruanda |
Lesoto |
Djibuti |
Tunísia |
São Tomé e Príncipe |
Libéria |
Egito |
Zâmbia |
Suazilândia |
Líbia |
Guiné Equatorial |
Zimbábue |
Senegal |
Ilhas Maurícias |
Eritreia |
Chade |
Seychelles |
Malawi |
Etiópia |
Madagáscar |
Antígua e Barbuda |
Haiti |
Argentina |
Honduras |
Bahamas |
Jamaica |
Barbados |
México |
Belize |
Nicarágua |
Bolívia |
Panamá |
Brasil |
Paraguai |
Canadá |
Peru |
Chile |
República Dominicana |
Colômbia |
Salvador |
Costa Rica |
Santa Lúcia |
Cuba |
São Cristóvão e Nevis |
Dominica |
São Vicente e Granadinas |
Equador |
Suriname |
Estados Unidos |
Trindade e Tobago |
Grenade |
Uruguai |
Guatemala |
Venezuela |
Guiana |
Afghanistan |
Malaysia |
Armenia |
Maldives |
Azerbaijan |
Mongolia |
Bahrain |
Nepal |
Bangladesh |
North Korea |
Bhutan |
Oman |
Brunei |
Pakistan |
Burma |
Palestine |
Cambodia |
Philippines |
China |
Qatar |
Georgia |
Saudi Arabia |
India |
Singapore |
Indonesia |
South Korea |
Iran |
Syria |
Iraq |
Taiwan |
Israel |
Tajikistan |
Japan |
Thailand |
Jordan |
Turkey |
Kazakhstan |
Turkmenistan |
Kuwait |
United Arab Emirates |
Kyrgyzstan |
Uzbekistan |
Laos |
Vietnam |
Lebanon |
Yemen |
Afghanistan |
Malaysia |
Armenia |
Maldives |
Azerbaijan |
Mongolia |
Bahrain |
Nepal |
Bangladesh |
North Korea |
Bhutan |
Oman |
Brunei |
Pakistan |
Burma |
Palestine |
Cambodia |
Philippines |
China |
Qatar |
Georgia |
Saudi Arabia |
India |
Singapore |
Indonesia |
South Korea |
Iran |
Syria |
Iraq |
Taiwan |
Israel |
Tajikistan |
Japan |
Thailand |
Jordan |
Turkey |
Kazakhstan |
Turkmenistan |
Kuwait |
United Arab Emirates |
Kyrgyzstan |
Uzbekistan |
Laos |
Vietnam |
Lebanon |
Yemen |
Austrália |
Papua Nova Guiné |
Fiji |
Salomão |
Kiribati |
Samoa |
Marshall |
Timor Leste |
Micronésia |
Tonga |
Nauru |
Tuvalu |
Nova Zelândia |
Vanuatu |
Palau |
– Talk to us –
Please read what our client thinks of us
This company is not reliable and the customer service very rude.
This company is not reliable. They charged my trip though nobody was waiting for me at the airport. Indeed my plane was delayed, and the driver was gone. But they did not just charged the parking ticket of the driver waiting for me, they charged the journey which did not take place. This is just unacceptable. Moreover the person I had at the phone (customer service) not only was not willing to understand the point, but was also very offensive to me. Prefer other ways of traveling from the airport.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Sir, you are in bad faith. Our driver waited for you for 1 hour. (First hour free) and we sent you proof of his presence. You are mistaken in your order for the flight number. You have sent us a last minute email to tell us another flight number. But unfortunately we are not always behind the computer to open the mails. So it is normal for our driver to pay for his travel and parking. I advise you to better look at the order form next time to check if everything is correct. Cordially.
Not perfect but all worked out.
Booked with Airport Taxi Transfers, driver called to say he was running late, then showed up with 2 vehicles instead of the larger one we booked to accomodate 8 passengers and luggage. All ended up okay as we got to airport in plenty of time and charges for both vehicles was the same as for the single larger one.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your comment.
Service was fine and professional
Service was fine and professional
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
Everything was fine.
Everything was fine.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
Excellent service at a good price
On time, comfortable and reliable, and that at a better price than a taxi. An excellent experience and that for the 3rd time now.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.