PRECISA DE MEIO DE TRANSPORTE é uma empresa de táxi profissional e confiável de e para aeroportos e um carro de transporte com motorista particular de 1 a 90 pessoas,
serviço disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, a preços claros e competitivos.
Serviço, Excelência e pontualidade são as marcas registradas da
Nossos veículos cuidadosamente equipados oferecem conforto, segurança e modernidade ao longo de todas as suas viagens, permitindo apreender suas viagens nas melhores condições.
Disponíveis e sintonizados, nossos motoristas terão prazer em responder às suas diferentes expectativas.
Tudo foi feito para oferecer um serviço personalizado e de qualidade.
– Nossa Frota –
Também servimos os seguintes aeroportos
Argélia |
Serra Leoa |
Mali |
Gabão |
Angola |
Somália |
Marrocos |
Gâmbia |
Benigno |
África do Sul |
Mauritânia |
Gana |
Botsuana |
Sudão |
Moçambique |
Boné verde |
Burkina Faso |
Nigéria |
Namíbia |
Guiné bissau |
Burundi |
Tanzânia |
Níger |
Guiné |
Camarões |
Sudão do Sul |
Uganda |
Costa do Marfim |
Comores |
República Democrática do Congo |
República Centro-Africana |
Quênia |
Congo |
Ir |
Ruanda |
Lesoto |
Djibuti |
Tunísia |
São Tomé e Príncipe |
Libéria |
Egito |
Zâmbia |
Suazilândia |
Líbia |
Guiné Equatorial |
Zimbábue |
Senegal |
Ilhas Maurícias |
Eritreia |
Chade |
Seychelles |
Malawi |
Etiópia |
Madagáscar |
Antígua e Barbuda |
Haiti |
Argentina |
Honduras |
Bahamas |
Jamaica |
Barbados |
México |
Belize |
Nicarágua |
Bolívia |
Panamá |
Brasil |
Paraguai |
Canadá |
Peru |
Chile |
República Dominicana |
Colômbia |
Salvador |
Costa Rica |
Santa Lúcia |
Cuba |
São Cristóvão e Nevis |
Dominica |
São Vicente e Granadinas |
Equador |
Suriname |
Estados Unidos |
Trindade e Tobago |
Grenade |
Uruguai |
Guatemala |
Venezuela |
Guiana |
Afghanistan |
Malaysia |
Armenia |
Maldives |
Azerbaijan |
Mongolia |
Bahrain |
Nepal |
Bangladesh |
North Korea |
Bhutan |
Oman |
Brunei |
Pakistan |
Burma |
Palestine |
Cambodia |
Philippines |
China |
Qatar |
Georgia |
Saudi Arabia |
India |
Singapore |
Indonesia |
South Korea |
Iran |
Syria |
Iraq |
Taiwan |
Israel |
Tajikistan |
Japan |
Thailand |
Jordan |
Turkey |
Kazakhstan |
Turkmenistan |
Kuwait |
United Arab Emirates |
Kyrgyzstan |
Uzbekistan |
Laos |
Vietnam |
Lebanon |
Yemen |
Afghanistan |
Malaysia |
Armenia |
Maldives |
Azerbaijan |
Mongolia |
Bahrain |
Nepal |
Bangladesh |
North Korea |
Bhutan |
Oman |
Brunei |
Pakistan |
Burma |
Palestine |
Cambodia |
Philippines |
China |
Qatar |
Georgia |
Saudi Arabia |
India |
Singapore |
Indonesia |
South Korea |
Iran |
Syria |
Iraq |
Taiwan |
Israel |
Tajikistan |
Japan |
Thailand |
Jordan |
Turkey |
Kazakhstan |
Turkmenistan |
Kuwait |
United Arab Emirates |
Kyrgyzstan |
Uzbekistan |
Laos |
Vietnam |
Lebanon |
Yemen |
Austrália |
Papua Nova Guiné |
Fiji |
Salomão |
Kiribati |
Samoa |
Marshall |
Timor Leste |
Micronésia |
Tonga |
Nauru |
Tuvalu |
Nova Zelândia |
Vanuatu |
Palau |
– Talk to us –
Please read what our client thinks of us
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
Service impeccable et ponctuel
Service impeccable et ponctuel. Je recommande! Merçi.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Merci pour votre commentaire.
Perfect taxi.
Perfect taxi.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
Good service
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Thank you for your opinion.
Almost two hours late to pick me up
Almost two hours late to pick me up. I booked ahead of time as I was getting into Charleroi Airport late and had to work early the next day. When I arrived no driver was there so I called the number on the email conformation, the dispatcher told me the driver should contact me any minute. I called back 20 minuted later and was told the same thing again. The driver contacted me saying he had car trouble and would be there in 30 minutes, but did not arrive until much later. We arranged for the taxi to pick us up at 22.45 and did not get picked up until 00.30. When he arrived he had someone in the front seat so the three of us were squished into the back. I was told on the phone that I would be contacted the next day for compensation, I was not. I called was told “these things happen” and that his last fare went over (different from the car trouble the driver told me) and took a few emails back and forth before they offered me a 20% refund. Will never use again.
Response from Airports Shuttles Taxis
Hello, we are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks to your comment we try to improve our services every day.